Events and Specials

We specialise in giving you goose bumps.

Readings, wine tastings, comedy evenings, concerts and immersive theatre: our events are guaranteed to make you perk up your ears and send a thrill right through you. Everything is more intense in the dark, so you’ll feel it all the more keenly. 

We host prominent artists who put on unique performances to leave you (and often them) simply astonished. 

Dinner Krimi Basel
10.04.2025 18:30 Uhr

DinnerKrimi - Blind vor Wut · blindekuh BASEL

Blind vor Wut
Das Restaurant blindekuh feiert Geburtstag und lädt den ältesten Bewohner der Schweiz, zum Abendessen ein. Der hochbetagte Gottfried ist so geschmeichelt, dass er beim gemütlichen Abendessen in der blindenkuh seiner Familie feierlich eröffnet, sein gesamtes Erbe dem Dunkelrestaurant zu vermachen. Sohn Stefan versteht die Welt nicht mehr, Tochter Judith ist blind vor Wut und Gottfried ist plötzlich wie vom Erdboden verschwunden. Was passiert mit dem Erbe? Wer ist diese Mandy, die vorgibt, Gottfrieds neue Frau zu sein? Und ist das da am Tisch neben Ihnen etwa eine Leiche?

Geniessen Sie kulinarische Leckerbissen im Dunkeln, singen Sie Happy Birthday und helfen Sie mit, diesen verstrickten Kriminalfall zu lösen!

Buch und Regie: Peter Denlo
Es spielen: Peter Denlo. Elena Mpintsis, Ana Xandry

Das Eventticket von CHF 120.— pro Person beinhaltet ein 3-Gang-Menu.
Die Getränke werden separat verrechnet.
Türöffnung 18.30 Uhr
on request

Spaghetti lunch · blindekuh Basel

A special school lunch experience served like clockwork.
Our Spaghetti Surprise for just CHF 20.00 per person, including a dessert.
Reserve a spaghetti lunch for 10 or more diners now. We’ll throw in a delicious dessert for everyone free of charge as well as a unique side dish: an unforgettable dining experience in the dark.
on request

Sensory Trail for Groups · blindekuh Basel

Pit your senses against those of your colleagues in a friendly competition as our blind and visually impaired staff lead you around a specially prepared route. This experience is ideal for schools, associations and other groups.
Reserve Now

Table for two · Basel

Fall in love with all your senses.

Take your date somewhere as special as they are. Taste, smell, hear, touch and feel: we are here to serve you dishes made of pure sensation at your own private table for two in the dark. Look forward to a menu made with love for an experience designed to quicken the pulse.

Please reserve at least 24 hours in advance.
Reserve Now

Table for two · Zürich

Fall in love with all your senses.

Take your date somewhere as special as they are. Taste, smell, hear, touch and feel: we are here to serve you dishes made of pure sensation at your own private table for two in the dark. Look forward to a menu made with love for an experience designed to quicken the pulse.

Please reserve at least 24 hours in advance.